Monday, December 14, 2009
Saturday, December 12, 2009
A long time coming
So its been a really long time since I posted, and so many things have happened since.
Kyle finished his first month of Internal Medicine rotation and luckily it wasn't as bad as some people have said. His next rotation in Jan is the exact same at the exact same place so we are relieved that he'll be home some of the time.
We had Kyle's PA Christmas party last Saturday and I made Bailey a dress for it! She looked so adorable!! We also got to dance for the first time in like a year and we loved that. Thanks to our friends who watched Bailey as we took out the dance floor!
Bailey and I love to go on walks as well. But yesterday we got all bundled up to go out and made it about 10 feet out the door. She loves getting all bundled up most of the time.
And yesterday was our Ward Christmas Party. They do it this early because most everyone goes home to their families for Christmas. Bailey got her first visit with Santa.
So this morning we had a 'fake' christmas because we are going to be in Utah for Christmas and we didn't want to drag some of the presents all the way to Utah and back. So I got a keyboard that has enough keys that I can play songs on it. Kyle got suprised with his flight change so he can stay in Utah for the Gubler family christmas party. And Bailey got a high chair so she can sit at the table with us while we eat. We still have 4 months before she'll be eating from it.
Posted by The Gublers at 9:30 AM 4 comments
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
This November I've thought a lot about happiness. I've learned to realize that happiness is spending time and going through journeys with the ones that you love. Since Bailey was born, we've never taken another day for granted and hope that we never will. Motherhood is the most amazing and hardest thing ever! But even if she's been screaming all day long when she gives me the gummy smile, or takes a nap for longer than an hour, it makes it all worth it. I think God created babies that they have to nap. Even the most colicky baby you will miss if they sleep for more than an hour. We love our Bai and are excited for our lives with hers. As this Thanksgiving approaches these are the things I am so thankful for..
My house for looking like this..
My hubbyThe opportunity we have to be in school right now during this economy. Yesterday as I was driving through New Haven, I saw a man digging through the trash just for bottles to get a 5 cent refund on. This normally doesn't disturb me that much, but this man wasn't raggedy and homeless looking. He looked like a middle class normal man that the economy obviously affected.
Our great friends here in New Haven that makes up our family away from our family. Without our great friends, this holiday would be a lot harder than it is. And I know that when we come to visit here in years to come, it won't be the same New Haven as we remember it because most of our family here will be gone and done with school.
And finallyneed I say more?
Posted by The Gublers at 1:00 PM 1 comments
Saturday, November 14, 2009
6 Weeks Old!
So its official that Bailey has reached the 6 week mark! I though that this point would never come! Now she is supposed to be sleeping longer through the night and getting less fussy! And now I can go back to the gym! So far Bailey has been a joy and I love spending all day everyday with her. She smiles at us so much and loves to be given lots of kisses. She loves tummy time and thinks that it is a game to see how fast she can roll onto her back before I roll her back over. She loves to roll and thinks that its so much fun. She also loves her binkies that I forced on her when I saw her starting to suck her thumb. (binkies you can take away but you can't thumbs). She loves her bath times and the sound of running water soothes her so much that even if she is cold she doesn't cry. We are still working on her going to sleep by herself. We lay her down and have to let her cry for between 5-45 minutes depending on how tired she is. And we are starting getting into a routine of morning, afternoon, and evening naps then bedtime at 6:45-7:00. We just love our little bug and her big cheeks make her cuter everyday! And she fits into some of her newborn clothes that makes me happy!
Posted by The Gublers at 6:56 AM 3 comments
Monday, November 9, 2009
Guilty Pleasures
So, in my family (this might just be me and Mallari) we love our Christmas Music. We love anything to do with Christmas and I know that she's been to the store to buy Christmas movies already this year (nothing wrong with that). So I loved that year round, had Christmas songs that you could listen to even in July. All the songs are just so cheery, and there is no station that has all happy songs. So this year I did have to wait until after Halloween for FM100 to put up their Christmas Music, and I feel a little bad about it this year. People make such a issue with listening to Christmas Music before Thanksgiving. I am here to clear it once and for all. We listen to the music because it makes us happy. It doesn't make us any less American or Thankful when Thanksgiving comes around. I have all my Thanksgiving decorations up and we are thankful people. I'm just really thankful for Christmas Music. One month isn't enough to listen to all the beautiful music about our Savior (and some about Santa). And that's why we ungrateful people listen to Christmas Music this early.
PS this is by Makayla because I had to beg Kyle to let me listen to Christmas Music this early.
Posted by The Gublers at 1:53 PM 3 comments
Sunday, November 1, 2009
An eventful week!
So my dad came into town on Tuesday and we've had a pretty eventful week. First, on our way to pick up my dad, instead of driving to La Guardia Airport, somehow we ended up in Yonkers, then to New Jersey.. but his flight was delayed so we got there just in time to feed Bailey and pick him up. Kyle had to work that night so I had Kasidy come with me and we figured out how to navigate and drive all in one trip while taking a scenic route to the airport. Bailey was a champ and slept the whole way there and back waking up only when we got there to eat.
Wednesday was kind of a lazy day because it rained and Kyle was trying to sleep. But we went down to the carts and got our delicious meals, and then went to the bookstore to get souvenirs for my dad.
Thursday we got up and ready to go and went on a walking tour of Yale. Kyle and I were also lucky enough to get the Flu-mist H1N1 since Bailey isn't old enough to get one. At the Yale tour, we went all around Yale, then when we were getting pictures of something, we lost the tour, so we went to Ashley's Ice Cream, and I'd have to say that it definitely wins over Wentworth's Ice Cream. We also went to East Rock Park and saw the view from there (not as pretty as when the trees actually had leaves on them).
Friday we went to a submarine naval museum that we actually got to tour the submarine they had there. When we were there we saw a sub coming back from sea which was really cool. Afterwards we went up to a cidermill and got the yummy applecider and apple doughnuts. I love New England Falls for the colors, and the cidermills.Our ward then had a Halloween get together that we thought would be fun to dress up and do something for Bailey's first Halloween. So I went as a cowgirl, Kyle went as a hunter, and Bailey went as our little pumpkin.
Notice that Bailey is winking at the camera. However our Halloween party didn't last too long because the fog machine that they had setup in one of the rooms set off the fire alarm, and we didn't want to wait for the firetrucks to get there to we decided that we were done for the night.
Saturday we went up to CABELA'S!! We had so much fun and again Bailey slept the whole time (what a champ!). Then we got to bless Bailey today. It was amazing and she was beautiful!
Posted by The Gublers at 4:25 PM 3 comments
Sunday, October 25, 2009
First Day at Church
So today around 6:30 I decided that I wanted to go back to church. So I got ready, got Bailey ready and we headed off and were actually on time which is more than we have been the past year. So this is Bailey all dressed and ready to go at church.
And the dress that she is wearing is my dress from when I was a baby.
Posted by The Gublers at 1:22 PM 4 comments
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Life is crazy!
So today Bailey had her 2 week appointment and she is almost up to her birthweight, only one more ounce to go. She is getting so big! She was so good at the doctor's today, that could be due to 8 hours of not sleeping right before, but it made me look like my baby is so good.
Kyle now is on his Emergency Medicine Rotation at Yale and is working crazy shifts. It is kind of nice though because when he works all night long and then comes home to sleep all day, I can just sleep all day with him when Bailey is sleeping. So we don't mind the crazy shifts and he is almost done with the first whole week. We were debating whether or not he should take a month off to help me, but after the first few nights of being home, he realized that he can't help that much (feeding her). But we are so proud of Kyle for keeping up with his schooling in all of this chaos.
I have lost most of my water weight (I'd like to think that there's more to loose) and can now wear my wedding ring again! It got bad towards the end when I could wear Kyle's wedding ring and did on a few occasions. And now I am 2 lbs below my pre-pregnancy weight and loving it. I walked and worked out so much in my pregnancy that I'm happy that it is finally paying off. Now I just have 30 more pounds until my pre-married weight, which I'm ok if I don't get all the way down to that amount. And that's our update on life for now!
Posted by The Gublers at 4:59 PM 2 comments
Saturday, October 10, 2009
One Week Appointment
So Bailey and I went in for her one week appointment on Thursday. She was discharged from the hospital on Tuesday, and weighed 6lbs 15oz. At her appointment two days later she was up to 7lbs 4oz. She gained 5 whole ounces in 2 days! She is getting big so fast that it makes me sad, I would love to keep her this little for forever!
Posted by The Gublers at 11:18 AM 3 comments
Monday, October 5, 2009
Prayers and Scares
So as many may know we were joined in this world Friday by an angel at 2:27 am.
It all started on Wednesday afternoon when I noticed that the baby wasn't moving as much as she normally does, so I called the Doctor and they had me come in for a Non-Stress Test. As I was there, they noticed that the early stages of pre-eclampsia that they had been watching and waiting for had been changed to full out pre-eclampsia. So I let Kyle know that I was going to the Dr, and he was up in Hartford on a rotation (in the middle of a delivery) when he felt like he should come on home. When he got there the doctors decided that I should be admitted to the hospital and induced the next day so the pre-eclampsia doesn't turn into eclampsia. We got there and just relaxed, and the hard contractions started soon after they started to 'prep' me for induction. At this time they started filling me with fluid, and lots of it. The fluid kept coming into my IV until my baby was born. So I was up all night with the contractions and doing my best to relax through them. We had decided months before that HypnoBirthing was going to be the way our baby came into this world. So I was relaxing all night and by the next morning they decided to give me the Pitocin so I can really get things going. However 5 hours later I was still slightly dialated and not really going anywhere. They decided if we wanted to move things along that they would need to break my water. So after putting that off as long as I could and still not progressing after 8 hours of pitocin, I let them break my water, and I thought the contractions were strong before, they were too much for me to relax through. So I know many of you will be disappointed in me, but I made it through the first 24 hours of labor with HypnoBirthing, but after that I met my best friend in the whole world - the anesthesiologist. So after I got the epidural, I was in heaven and wondered why it took me so long to get it. But they kept pumping me with more and more fluid after I got it so I would stay hydrated. My blood pressure dropped dramatically and that affected our little Bailey, so they kept giving me more fluid to stabilize my blood pressure. And this is where the story gets a little fuzzy. I decided that I'm going to write what I remember and what I heard happen. Kyle will come back later and edit a few things I'm sure. I dozed off for a little while later towards 11:00pm. After waking up I noticed that something felt wrong with my head. I felt fuzzy and in a moment like I wasn't really comprehending what people were doing and what they were saying to me. Honestly I didn't know what was going on, and after expressing a little bit of that to the doctor, it took all of a minute to get 10 more doctors in there and to get magnesium in me to prevent a seizure. After x-rays, a EKG, and tons of other tests, it wasn't getting any better so they decided to do an emergency c-section. After all was said and done, we had a beautiful baby girl, 7 lbs 11 oz and 19 1/2 inches long. As they wheeled me into recovery they noticed that I couldn't keep my oxygen levels in my blood up and as I was falling asleep, it would keep getting worse. They took me down to get a CT scan and get more tests done. I was pretty out of it and don't really remember anything until Saturday afternoon. After the surgery, they put me on oxygen for the next few days, and one of my lungs had a minor collapse. The theory after all the tests were said and done was that during labor when they were filling me with fluid, that my whole body and all my organs were being filled with fluid as well. Luckily I'm still deflating and I still have a ways to go but I have lost so much fluid and I'm starting to look like a normal person.
Now we are just getting ready to leave the hospital after only 4 days of that mess and everything is back to normal. I just want to thank those of you who have had their prayers with us. It was a huge help and blessing.
Posted by The Gublers at 9:25 AM 4 comments
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Our Beautiful Angel
I wanted to just get some pictures posted of out beautiful girl Bailey Lin Gubler. She is adorable! There is a lot to tell about how she came into this world and more details are to follow but I just wanted to get some pictures posted for now to show her off so everyone can see her. So stay tuned for more info, in the meantime enjoy these!! Click on the slide show for a link to larger photos. - Kyle
And just remember that I am filled up with water in these pictures. -Makayla
Posted by The Gublers at 3:35 PM 19 comments
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Baby has a room!
I thought I would post some pictures of our baby's room. Makayla did a great job decorating and getting everything ready so I thought I'd show it off a bit.
Posted by The Gublers at 9:06 PM 4 comments
Thursday, September 17, 2009
New Stuff!
So just recently I've always wanted to blog about random things, and I think to myself "no one really wants to hear about that". But then I realize that I read everyone else's blogs about random things and I love it. So these random things are for my enjoyment of updating my blog.
So yesterday I was looking at myself in the mirror, and let's face it there's not much you can control about your body with pregnancy. So I decided that there was one thing that I could hair. I've been growing my hair out for the past 6 months or so and it just wasn't looking like me. I've always had short hair and I think that I look better with short hair. So I printed off a coupon and headed over to SuperCuts.
This is my before pictureAnd this is my after picture. I feel very much like myself again.
Another new thing is that my 36 week appointment was yesterday and we officially have at most 6 weeks until this little one makes her entrance into the world! Unfortunately I have gestational hypertension that is too close to preeclampsia. So now we have to lay off the sweets and get into our healthy mode for the next 6 weeks.
And here's me at 36 weeks!
Posted by The Gublers at 9:38 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Proud Moments
I am so proud of Kyle! This is him on his first day of his OB/GYN rotation. He will do so great and get to deliver babies! He was a little nervous at first, but he'll warm up to working with patients. This is what we've been waiting for!
Posted by The Gublers at 4:04 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
So recently I've been at home more and able to make more and more things. I've started making homemade bread every week because it is so much cheaper than buying bread at the store. Then I decided yesterday to make homemade ice cream....which is so not cheaper. I got this amazing recipe and all the ingredients cost us about $5 for 1/2 gallon of ice cream! It turned out way good, but you would think that it would be much cheaper making homemade things. This isn't just for food as well. I started to make some things for the baby and me, like a nursing cover and a padding thing for her crib. Fabric is expensive! Here Walmart pulled all of their fabric off the shelves, so all we have is Joann's and on sale it is about $5 a yard! Since when did making things homemade cost more than buying them at the store? Well making things will just have to go to a hobby now and not a source of pinching our pennies.
Posted by The Gublers at 3:21 PM 2 comments
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Thimble Islands
Kyle and I haven't gotten out much since we've been here, and its a good thing that we have friends that invite us and ask us to come with them places. So we took off on Saturday to go to Thimble Islands. We had never heard of this place and we weren't expecting too much. We went on this boat tour that lasted for about an hour and it took us around to these 25 different islands. These are mostly privately owned so we couldn't go on them, but we got to see the mansions that were on them. We had a fun time and we are so glad that we have friends that get us out of the house!
Posted by The Gublers at 8:42 PM 0 comments
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Our Camera
So Kyle and I decided that before this little one comes, we need a new camera. Right now we have his Dad's camera, that I think he knows that we are borrowing. Anyways this camera that we have is only 4.0 megapixels and 3x Optical zoom. Granted it isn't the nicest camera out there, but it has worked thus far. So we wanted to get a camera that takes video, because on the one we have now, there is no sound to the video.
After 3 months of Kyle constantly looking at cameras - comparing them side by side, we have found the one that works for us and we broke down and bought it. Now keep in mind, we are in school, Kyle was looking at $900 cameras, so I had to put restrictions on what he could get. So this isn't the nicest camera either, but it will do until Kyle gets a job, pays off the loans, and we get a mortgage right?So this is the camera that we decided on. You see all the picture specifications, but there is also HD movie recording in 720p and a whole bunch of other stuff that I've learned way too much about cameras. I am just glad that this searching is over and we can now start searching for accessory kits... there is always one more thing to add right?
Posted by The Gublers at 8:19 AM 1 comments
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Baby Crib!
So we have had this baby crib sitting in the box since way back in April. When we bought it Kyle said that he wanted to spread it out and wait until August to set it up. I'm not a very patient person, but when work plus Kyle's schooling gets thrown into it, we easily forgot about setting it up. Now since Kyle had this week off of school, and who knows how much time he's going to be home in the next 6 weeks, we decided that now is the time to set it up. Although it took us all day, we finally got it set up.
Posted by The Gublers at 11:21 AM 1 comments
Friday, August 28, 2009
Boston Trip!
So Kyle and I decided that we needed a get away before our baby comes, and before he starts up another year. So we went to Boston to get away. We started out going to the Freedom Trail, and we did an audio tour which was nice because half way through, it started to pour. So if we would have paid for an actual tour, we would have lost out on half of it. So we then decided to go back to our hotel and wait out the storm, which only lasted about 10 more minutes, but we were soaked. Then Tuesday we went to Plymouth Rock and saw where the Pilgrims first landed. Then we headed off to the Cape. This was really pretty and we spent some time at the Beach. Then to truly get the Boston/Eastern Experience we went to a seafood restaurant and spent way too much money on a lobster dinner. When the lobster came, I didn't know how to crack it open and eat it, so I asked the waitress. Of course she didn't know either, so her manager of this really nice seafood restaurant went and got some gloves on, and came and helped me. Embarrassing, I know but it was so much fun! After that we went to our hotel and the next day we finished the Freedom Trail. We weren't ready to go back to New Haven, so we decided to extend our trip one more night and we went up to Sharon VT, the birthplace of Joseph Smith. There is a really cool monument there that was set up in 1905, the 100 year anniversary of his birth. It was peaceful, and we can't wait to go back again.
Posted by The Gublers at 1:34 PM 1 comments
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Lyman Orchard
So Kyle and I have tons of stuff that we want to do before we leave the East Coast in 16 months. One of them that we haven't had time to do is go to the Pick-your-own fruit orchards here in CT. So we saw a commercial on TV that Peaches were on so we headed up there Saturday morning. We had a fun time, it was WAY too hot! But the peaches weren't quite ripe yet so we pick only a few lbs and went to their store there.
At their store they have all types of cool things. We got their own made Peach Jam, Peach spread (similar to cream cheese, just with peaches in it), and Peach muffins. They were having their Peach festival, and they do have tons of other things besides peaches, but that's what we were in the mood for yesterday.This is a picture of Kyle going to work looking for the best peaches that don't have bug bites all over them.
Posted by The Gublers at 10:39 AM 0 comments
Saturday, August 8, 2009
2 Weeks Notice & the sickies
So last Friday I finally got to put in my 2 weeks notice! I was so excited, not that I hate working, I just 'disliked' working there. So as my boss was a little shocked they were really good about it because they knew that Kyle had some time off in August and I wanted to spend it with him. But now that I'm finally about to taste freedom, the sickies have hit our house. I was fine, but Kyle was sick the past 2 weeks. Then last friday, I was so happy when I came home from work, I accidentally kissed him, not thinking about the consequences of that mistake. Sure enough 3 days later my throat started to throb. I tried to stick it out at work this week, it being one of my last and all, but today it just got too much and I had to call out sick. At least they know that I'm really sick. So here we are with the sickies, and last
Saturday Kyle had that chance to go fishing in the Atlantic, so he decided that he didn't feel TOO sick to do that (who would?). So he caught 2 flounder, one was 26'' and one was 22''. We ate that for Saturday night and Sunday night, then realized that an overload of fish with a pregnant woman was not the greatest idea, so the rest is in the freezer just waiting for next week. So each of these fish slabs are just 1/4 of a fish...impressive right? And also here we are at 31 weeks, and we only have 9 weeks left to go! We are so excited, and maybe this flu sickies will go away by the time the baby comes. I would like some freedom before then.
Posted by The Gublers at 6:15 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Good news!
So there has been so much good news recently! I passed my American Heritage course with a B, way better than the last grade! And so now I officially am still in semi-good standings with BYU and can still take courses there, but that may have to wait until Jan 2011.
More good news, Kyle is almost done with his course work, and he has passed every test so far! (good news for his future patients) He has 4 tests left, and since you have to fail 6 tests to be booted out of the program, we are here for good. He starts his rotations the middle of September, and the first one is OB/GYN which is great because it ends 3 days before my due date. Although he'll be in Hartford, CT all day every day until then, we'll just pray I don't go early, and if I do it will be a short labor. (he can only miss like one or two days of rotations)
And finally this is good news to me, Kyle will be at Yale New Haven Hospital for most of his rotations. I'm sure he wanted to go abroad and go to surrounding city hospitals, but this will be good with him being so close with a new baby and all.
We just love good news.
Posted by The Gublers at 8:36 PM 2 comments
Sunday, July 12, 2009
So after 15 months of sorta working on my class, I finally finished all the course work at 11:00 last night! I am so happy that I actually accomplished something! So happy in fact I think an accounting class keeps calling my name..we'll see how things go after Baby arrives. But although we haven't posted in what seems like forever, we have been doing our fair share of things!
We have been going garage (or tag) sale-ing. Although even on craigslist they call them garage or yard sales, people here seem to think that they are "tag-sales". The joys of learning a "new" language. When we went, we made out like bandits! We got a changing table/dresser combo, glider with ottoman, bouncer, tons of books, pack-n-play, tons of toys, a johnny jumper, play mat, baby food processor, and more things that we can't even think of. We made out with everything for less than $200 bucks and there are only a few more things on our list that we still want to get. We also were driving around last weekend and here when people want to get rid of things, they put them right on the side of the road, so we found this wicked sweet activity center that just need a lot of disinfecting and washing, and it will be brand new! We love getting great deals.
We also had an awesome fourth of July. We went to a breakfast that our ward put on, and got tons of free food;). Then we came home and crashed for a few hours just in time for a bbq at one of Kyle's classmate's house. Then after that we went to the fireworks that they set off from a barge in the ocean was beautiful! Although we couldn't see the water because the whole section by the water was blocked off for the Mayor and his party...We had a fun time with a couple from our ward and Kyle's study partner and his little family.
Posted by The Gublers at 3:01 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Short Visit HOME!
So Kyle had a week off of school, and since I won't be able to fly in August, we decided that this will possibly be our only chance to go home this year. So last Saturday morning we woke up early and got the heck out of this place!! We were a little rushed, so most of our family has pictures that we're still waiting on, so we'll add to this blog as we get more pictures.
First we went to Kyle's Parent's house in Bountiful. We were greeted there by a baby shower and lots of family and friends. Unfortunately I have a hard time staying awake too long, so even though my shower was at 5 pm, our family stayed until about 10, while I slept on the chair for the last 2 hours they were there. Sunday we also had all of Kyle's brothers and sisters (minus Jacob --we missed you!) there for some beef brisket, which I was craving on the plane ride over, (not really craving, just wanting and I found out if I say I'm craving it, its more of a big deal) and again I fell asleep on the living room chair there at 9:00 while his family was still over. Monday was our last day there so we went to the park with all the nieces and nephews and played in the sand, in the grass, and played football. Kyle loved this more than anything. We also had CAFE RIO!! And again another party that night with all of Kyle's brothers and sisters.
This is one of his sisters - unfortunately still waiting on pictures from his other siblings families.
Tuesday we ventured off to Preston ID to see my daddy and his lovely wife. We went food shopping and they had mutual Tuesday night so we found some relaxing things to do until they got home. So we got the fishing boat ready, cleaned, and licensed. We left around noon the next day to go fishing at twin lakes and caught a bunch of fish. So when we came home, Kyle and I had the job of cleaning and fileting all the fish...that took hours, but my parents had a court of honor so we had time to de-bone all the fish and filet them up nice. Most of the little fish you see in the picture are Kyle's, and the two big fish that I'm holding are my pride and joy, big mouth bass. Kyle definatley caught the most fish, but I caught the biggest! :)
Thursday afternoon we ventured back down to Ogden to see my Mom and Ron. My sister from ID that was there just the week before came back down 6 hours each way (with a potty-training 2 year old and nursing baby) to see me! So we played a lot with her kids and went shopping for more baby things. My other sister came down from WY to see me as well on Saturday which is when we had another baby shower. By the end of both we were so loaded down with baby clothes and presents, we had to vacuum pack all of our things into our suitcases (because we couldn't afford the dumb $15 to check a suitcase), but we got everything except my baby blanket from when I was little which was ok because my mom will be coming out in October so she can bring it.
Needless to say, we felt so relaxed during this trip that it was so enjoyable! We felt like we got our fill of our families, and although there were tears in the end, we were happy to just be there. Besides 18 more months before we hopefully move back there!
Posted by The Gublers at 10:37 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
We drink too much New Haven water!
Not that this is a bad thing. We've been drinking a lot of water since we came here. In the ward here there are two main things that you can count on. Babies, and baby girls! Yes that's right, we are having a baby girl!!! We figured that we don't mind being in on the trend of things, at least we are in style!So we went in to the radiologist and Kyle thought he saw that our baby was a boy. But during the 30 minute scan, he became more and more convinced that it was a girl, and finally the radiologist announced it was a girl. The baby is measuring normally and luckily the head is right on our due date so we don't have to worry about a big head in 5 months.
So here's some pictures of us and our crib we just bought.I just can't wait to buy all the cute pink and frilly things at the store!!
Posted by The Gublers at 4:14 PM 6 comments
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Happy Easter!
So this year we had the pleasure of having the Easter Bunny come to our house, of course we opened all of our presents the day before Easter so on Sunday we could relax and not focus on them. We made some eggs on Saturday and got some movies, Sahara and Radio (the $5 movies at Walmart), and a big bag of twix!!
Other new things in our lives... We had to downgrade our cable this week because our intro rate expired, so we had to get just the basic package, and we didn't know what we were giving up. I'm still going through withdrawals and my whole day schedule is messed up. Well we'll mark this one up to spending more time together and saving money.And here's another pic!!! We are now 14 weeks along and growing like ever. I think my boss is nervous that I'm farther along then I told her. But I keep reassuring her that I'm only 3 months and there is only one baby in there. But to tell the truth, I have to keep reassuring myself that I'm only 3 months along. Since I've been walking to work, I've lost 8 pounds in 1 month, and yet I keep getting bigger, nothing seems to make sense.
Posted by The Gublers at 1:54 PM 3 comments
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Cadaver Ball and Baby Bumps!
So we have been busy! Kyle has been busy at school and I have been busy busy busy at work!! But in all this busy-ness Kyle's school through a Ball for us. It was last Friday Night, and I found out about it on Thursday when I was hanging out with Kyle's classmates. It was a formal, and since I knew that I wouldn't fit into any of my prom dresses, I borrowed one from my neighbor. We were the life of the party because of Kyle's dance moves, and we were really one of the few that could walk a straight line.Which leads me to my next subject of this blog. I can't fit into any of my prom dresses because we have a baby bump going on here! And its just going to keep getting bigger and bigger until October 14th!
I guess life will just get busier!
Posted by The Gublers at 1:13 PM 5 comments
Saturday, March 21, 2009
The Long Awaited Day!
So as many of you know, I'm in love with Girl Scout Cookies. I remember when I was a little girl I would beg my mom to buy my friends cookies, and secretly always wanted to be a girl scout because I know they probably have stashes of these cookies hidden in their cupboards for meetings. So every year I search out someone that has connections, no matter how far, to order these cookies. So this year it was my former head teller, so I ordered them, and I swear the wait was for forever! Now with Kyle and I being in school and all, we can't afford the 20 boxes that I want to buy. So I get two, of course the samoas and the thin mints. (Everyone knows those are the best). But this year I had an extra little push to really get those cookies, I NEEDED them!!! So of course I've been praying and waiting for the day for them to arrive, YESTERDAY WAS T
HE DAY!!! So I went and visited my old friends and when I got home I hid them...somewhere, (just in case Kyle reads this I cannot disclose that place). Yes I know I should feel guilty for hiding them from him, after all he is going to be the father of my children and he's working so hard so I can someday stay home with them, but I do work very hard every year finding these cookies and paying for them. So they will just have to stay hidden until I feel enough sorrow and compassion to share them with him. So now when Kyle is being so good sharing the gospel and Home Teaching, I'll be enjoying my secretive snack. Don't judge.
Posted by The Gublers at 12:21 PM 2 comments