Saturday, December 12, 2009

A long time coming

So its been a really long time since I posted, and so many things have happened since.

Bailey turned 2 months old! Her Doctors appointment was last week and she did so great. She was tired and it was her nap time so luckily right after they gave her all of her shots, she cried for about 30 seconds and then fell back asleep. It helped me to know that she was ok. She gained 3 lbs since birth and weighs 10 lbs 11 oz and is in the 50th percentile for weight. Her head is still in the 10th percentile, and her height is 21 3/4 inches, in the 25th percentile. So that is the only thing it seems that she inherited from me, is my height. Other than that she is looking more and more like Kyle everyday.

Kyle finished his first month of Internal Medicine rotation and luckily it wasn't as bad as some people have said. His next rotation in Jan is the exact same at the exact same place so we are relieved that he'll be home some of the time.

We had Kyle's PA Christmas party last Saturday and I made Bailey a dress for it! She looked so adorable!! We also got to dance for the first time in like a year and we loved that. Thanks to our friends who watched Bailey as we took out the dance floor!

Bailey and I love to go on walks as well. But yesterday we got all bundled up to go out and made it about 10 feet out the door.  She loves getting all bundled up most of the time.

And yesterday was our Ward Christmas Party. They do it this early because most everyone goes home to their families for Christmas. Bailey got her first visit with Santa.

So this morning we had a 'fake' christmas because we are going to be in Utah for Christmas and we didn't want to drag some of the presents all the way to Utah and back. So I got a keyboard that has enough keys that I can play songs on it. Kyle got suprised with his flight change so he can stay in Utah for the Gubler family christmas party. And Bailey got a high chair so she can sit at the table with us while we eat. We still have 4 months before she'll be eating from it.



Jamie Goudy said...

Don't you just love how busy it is this time of year? (I think it is a little too crazy.)
I'm glad Bailey did well with her immunizations. It's hard to watch them get poked. It sounds like she is just behind Myrrie in weight. Myrrie goes in for her 4 month check up on the 21st. I hope she does as well as Bailey with the shots.
I am way excited to see you for Christmas and it is very cool that Kyle will get to stay a little longer! WooHoo!

Jamie Goudy said...

So I totally missed Bailey in the picture with the Christmas stuff and the couch. I didn't notice it was Bailey in the green chair on the sofa; I just thought it was a doll or more Christmas junk or something. Then I looked again, and OH! that's Bailey! SO CUTE!

Tammy said...

I laughed so hard at the picture of the Christmas stuff with Bailey on the couch. I made Nathan come in and look at it because she looks like a little doll or a puppet or something. She looks so little just sitting there! I love it.

Oh, and happy two year anniversary!

Whitney said...

bailey almost looks like a fake little doll . .she looks teeny in that bumbo - so cute! (ha i just read what tammy wrote) have a great trip and we'll try not to kill your plant!