Sunday, March 29, 2009

Cadaver Ball and Baby Bumps!

So we have been busy! Kyle has been busy at school and I have been busy busy busy at work!! But in all this busy-ness Kyle's school through a Ball for us. It was last Friday Night, and I found out about it on Thursday when I was hanging out with Kyle's classmates. It was a formal, and since I knew that I wouldn't fit into any of my prom dresses, I borrowed one from my neighbor. We were the life of the party because of Kyle's dance moves, and we were really one of the few that could walk a straight line.
Which leads me to my next subject of this blog. I can't fit into any of my prom dresses because we have a baby bump going on here! And its just going to keep getting bigger and bigger until October 14th!I guess life will just get busier!


Vudochki said...

Congrats! What an exciting and fun time in your lives as you add a little one to your family. We wish you the best! ~Jessica and Dan

Lisa said...

You are already getting a baby bump? How far along are you? That's very exciting!

David and Amy said...

Congratulations to both of you! Your baby bump is very cute!

Lisa said...

By the way, isn't a Cadaver a dead body? That's a scary name for a dance. :)I'm sure you had fun though.

Milko, Eve, Allison, And Joshua said...

Oh, no way! Kolobok is going to be a dad!!! Congratulations, guys! :) Very very happy for you! :)