So recently I've been really curious about the two men running for our national President. I did research on Obama, went to his website and to his "former" church website. There were some things that disturbed me. I like the guy, and those of you that are going to vote for him, don't take offence, but this is just me publishing my thoughts. The first thing that bothers me is how he puts emphasis on the racial aspect of it, how he's going to be the first "African-American" President. Growing up, I grew up in Wyoming, I've learned that either you are American or you're not. I don't get the in between stuff, and I think that if Obama wants to truly represent our country, he needs to consider himself an American. I understand that he is proud of his ancestral descent, but those ties were broken a long time ago and he should represent everyone in our country. I've also looked into his religion. Really what I got from it was it was the black version of the KKK. It was a very black sight. Pro-black, some anti-white. This is straight copied from the website, "Our roots in the Black religious experience and tradition are deep, lasting and permanent. We are an African people, and remain "true to our native land," the mother continent, the cradle of civilization." So if Obama remains true to the native land, what does he remain to us?
My love bugs! ❤️
8 hours ago
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