Our lovely Bailey had her birthday on Saturday, with a party on Friday. Her party was a success, other than me losing my voice, it was fun! We had dinner (yummy!) with cake, ice cream and presents afterwards. Dinner was good, with pulled pork, crab salad, mac n cheese, chicken salad, and potato salad. everyone loved it, but there was tons of leftovers, apparently the cold is going around like candy this October! So not everyone was able to make it, so enjoy the pics!
If you didn't notice, this was a
Corduroy themed party and the little bear is Corduroy. Although she did get messy she didn't have any of the cake, just the frosting! Oh well maybe next year!
Then on Saturday we took a getaway with the Ramos' to a maple syrup farm. We couldn't convince them to get the hayride going - not even for Bailey's first birthday!! So we went to a pumpkin patch/cornmaze/hayride that we saw on the way up there. It was lots of fun! Although we did get sick on the way up there with the cold going around.. Sorry Val and Dan!
The Bulldog she got from the girls I nanny.
The "corn" box that they had, a huge box full of dried corn!