Sunday, July 12, 2009


So after 15 months of sorta working on my class, I finally finished all the course work at 11:00 last night! I am so happy that I actually accomplished something! So happy in fact I think an accounting class keeps calling my name..we'll see how things go after Baby arrives. But although we haven't posted in what seems like forever, we have been doing our fair share of things!

We have been going garage (or tag) sale-ing. Although even on craigslist they call them garage or yard sales, people here seem to think that they are "tag-sales". The joys of learning a "new" language. When we went, we made out like bandits! We got a changing table/dresser combo, glider with ottoman, bouncer, tons of books, pack-n-play, tons of toys, a johnny jumper, play mat, baby food processor, and more things that we can't even think of. We made out with everything for less than $200 bucks and there are only a few more things on our list that we still want to get. We also were driving around last weekend and here when people want to get rid of things, they put them right on the side of the road, so we found this wicked sweet activity center that just need a lot of disinfecting and washing, and it will be brand new! We love getting great deals.

Chole and her Fourth of July pride!

We also had an awesome fourth of July. We went to a breakfast that our ward put on, and got tons of free food;). Then we came home and crashed for a few hours just in time for a bbq at one of Kyle's classmate's house. Then after that we went to the fireworks that they set off from a barge in the ocean was beautiful! Although we couldn't see the water because the whole section by the water was blocked off for the Mayor and his party...We had a fun time with a couple from our ward and Kyle's study partner and his little family.
Kyle helping Chloe with a sparkler.

We also went yesterday to 'field day' with Kyle's classmates. This is where they all get together and play games like egg toss, kick ball, and relay races. I was just sitting having fun eating (some) of the 2 6ft deli sandwiches that they provided for lunch. As I showed up, the class president was kind enough to show me the way to the table, because he wanted me to get enough to i need to get bigger?!
This is me at 24 weeks...
And now me today...26 weeks.


Elizabeth and Russ said...

You are so cute! We can't wait to see you in another month.

Lisa said...

You look great! I'm glad to hear that you guys are doing wonderfully. Garage sales are awesome but I have a hard time with getting up early enough to get the good deals. I have a package that I want to send to you guys but I'm actually waiting on my sister to finish something that needs to go in the package. Hopefully I can get it to you soon.